List Your Company Today

Elevator World’s SOURCE Directory has connected suppliers, contractors, and consultants to local and global industry professionals for more than 36 years. Your listing will appear in the print and digital edition of the ELEVATOR WORLD SOURCE 2025 and on the directory tab on our website. To ensure accuracy for the print edition, you must update or complete your listing before October 15, 2024.

There are two pricing options:

Premium Listing $299
Showcase Listing $499

Both include a print subscription to Elevator World's Global edition, the SOURCE Directory, and full digital access to ALL Elevator World Publications, including more than 5000 articles and news briefs all available at Elevator World.

Once you completed the form and pay, your listing will be pending for up to 48 hours. Once approved, it will post to the website and we will reach out to you for additional support and updates.

To book a print or digital advertisement, please contact us at

New company listings are pending approval for 48 hours. Once approved, you will be notified so you can access the listing and make any additional edits.

Already have a listing? Click here to update.